My Fair Lady
L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O | 847-770-4620 3453 Commercial Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 Gail McGrath Publisher & President Sheldon Levin Publisher & Director of Finance A. J. Levin Director of Operations Account Managers Rand Brichta - Arnie Hoffman - Greg Pigott Southeast Michael Hedge 847-770-4643 Southwest Betsy Gugick & Associates 972-387-1347 East Coast Manzo Media Group 610-527-7047 Marketing and Sales Consultant David L. Strouse, Ltd. 847-835-5197
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Administrative Offices: 20 North Wacker Drive Suite 860 Chicago, Illinois 60606
On the cover: Lisa O’Hare as Eliza Doolittle and Richard E. Grant as Henry Higgins Photo : Todd Rosenberg
“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?”
Photos by: Marie Noëlle Robert and Todd Rosenberg
The Sound of Music
My Fair Lady
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4 | April - May, 2017
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